Posted on December 14, 2010
The national campaign to promote the electric vehicle 'Provele', which will travel in the coming months eight Spanish cities, started this Tuesday in Seville, with the support of the president of Red Eléctrica de España (REE), Luis Atienza; the president of RACE, Ramón García-Moliner, and the director of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), Alfonso Beltrán.
During the presentation of the campaign, Atienza highlighted the advantages of this means of transport by replacing fossil energy with a "cleaner" energy mix composed of 35 percent renewable energy, 20 percent nuclear and 45 percent fossil. It also highlights the improvement of the security of supply it provides, with an energy autonomy that exceeds 60, and environmental.
Atienza explains that the system is "underused" more than half of the hours, since it is sized to meet the peaks of demand. Thus, in those "underused" hours is where the electric vehicle has a place, which takes between six and eight hours to complete its full charge for about 110 kilometers of autonomy, which could cost about two euros with the night rate.
"It will not be necessary to invest significantly in making new power generation plants or in new networks, since the system is able to absorb demand," adds the manager, who recalls that the electric vehicle will favor the introduction of renewables in the system. In this sense, he warns that currently these renewable energies lack storage systems, except for pumped hydroelectric plants "with limited capacity", as well as sufficient interconnections to export them.
Atienza insists that "the electric vehicle is an innovation that is coming to stay", for which tariffs that encourage night recharging should be favored to improve efficiency. In addition, remember that in 2020 it will be "prohibitive to enter with internal combustion vehicles within European cities".
For his part, the president of RACE affirms that this campaign is launched to combat the lack of information about the development of electric vehicles and their benefits, for which more than 25,000 informative brochures will be distributed and "all corners of Spain" will be visited. It also includes the implementation of practical workshops and exhibitions on the subject.
García-Moliner indicates that 90 percent of citizens believe that the information of the electric vehicle is "practically nil" and are mainly concerned about batteries, "issues to which they are in favor when given sufficient information."
In this line, the managing director of IDEA bets, "not only for the promotion of renewable energies and efficiency, but also of an automotive industry linked to this initiative, with great importance for R & D and innovation and that will generate highly qualified employment".
In addition, he recalls that 870 electric vehicles have already been put into circulation, of which 40 are located in Andalusia, through the Movele Project, and that there are already 44 charging points, although "we still have much to do". Thus, it points to a "very ambitious action plan that must be achieved together" and that aims to reach 250 vehicles of this type in 2014.
In the same line has been shown the Councilor for Technological Innovation of the City of Seville, Juan Antonio Martínez Troncoso, has warned that the Seville capital is working on the idea of closing the city center to combustion vehicles, "something that will be done in all cities sooner or later".
Martínez Troncoso has announced that before the end of 2010 the installation of the 75 recharging points that will be launched in Seville within the pilot program 'Movele' will be put out to tender, a contest that has not been launched so far for "administrative reasons". Thus, it expects its installation to begin in early 2011 and to be completed in April.
"All alternative mobility initiatives must be led by private companies, which carry out R + D + I, while the Administration must serve as a carpet for its development," says the Seville councilor, who underlines the "commitment of Seville with sustainable urban mobility, which goes through real transport alternatives".
Within this framework, exhibitions and practical workshops have been launched in Seville to bring citizens all the information available about the electric vehicle. The facilities of the exhibition, located in the historic center of the city, next to the Archivo de Indias, consist of a mobile classroom with multimedia systems and a workshop area, where visitors can find different types of electric vehicles, charging points and informative guides.
The different activities included in 'Provele' point out in particular the impact that the implementation of new vehicles and their recharging will have on the electricity system of the future. These activities also aim to inform the user of the urban and environmental advantages of the different technologies available in the new electric vehicles.
The information included in the multimedia systems and information brochures is completed by four workshops. The first of these is taught in the mobile classroom and it addresses the operation of the Spanish electricity system, with special attention to the integration of renewables.
The other three workshops focus on the benefits of the electric vehicle and the different methods of recharging. To this end, 'Provele' has developed an intelligent charging simulator with which visitors can practically check how electric vehicles can help improve the efficiency of the system and facilitate the integration of renewable energies.
Within the campaign, guided tours have been organized with students from secondary education and vocational training schools, with the aim of teaching future drivers the advantages of the electric vehicle to achieve more sustainable mobility.
The exhibition will remain in Seville until December 17, and then reach Castellón, Pamplona, Vigo, Valladolid, Albacete, Zaragoza and Vitoria. (EUROPA PRESS)
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