We all know that water is fundamental for every living being on this planet, the same human leather contains about 37 liters of water approximately which is equivalent to 66% of the body mass of an adult person, but it seems that many people, although they have it clear do not seem to care much or believe that water is left over and that it will never run out.
That's why we collected 15 really alarming data about water, some of them you can not believe, let's raise awareness, learn about water care and teach all the people we can, we all have the right to water and it is our obligation to take care of it.
- Did you know that only 0.007% of the water that exists on the planet is drinkable, and that is reduced in giant numbers anus and anus due to lack of care.
- You knew that more than 1100 million people in the world lack direct access to drinking water.
- Did you know that every year 3 and a half million people die because they drink water that is not 100% drinkable.
- Incredibly, you knew that 4500 children in the world die every day due to lack of drinking water.
- Did you know that millions of human beings must walk more than 10 km under the sun's rays to get drinking water.
- You knew that only 2.5% of the water on the planet is fresh and that 90% of this amount is in Antarctica.
- Did you know that drinking salt water causes dehydration because the body eliminates more water than it consumes.
- Did you know that for a person to live healthily they must consume at least 2 liters of water per day.
- Did you know that water is the main regulator of the earth's temperature.
10. Did you know that a tree loses 265 liters of water a day by evaporation thanks to global warming.
11. Did you know that the United States consumes more water than all of Europe.
12. Did you know that just 4 liters of naphtha can contaminate 2.8 million liters of water.
13. Did you know that fresh water is going extinct five times faster than land animals.
14. Did you know that 200 liters of water are used to produce just one liter of coca-cola.
15. Did you know that 5680 liters of water are used to produce a keg of beer.
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- Ways to save at least a liter of water a day
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