International. According to IIAR, this addendum clarifies several important requirements related to the scope of the document, the required compliance date, and some technical requirements.
ANSI/IIAR 9-2020 provides the minimum safety requirements for existing closed-loop ammonia refrigeration systems, as well as provides a method for determining whether stationary closed-loop refrigeration systems that use ammonia as a refrigerant meet the minimum system safety requirements.
IIAR members will be able to find the full standard with the addendums included in their member kit. It is also available for sale in the online store as an electronic publication or hard copy. To learn more about member kits and in-store purchases, click here.
Those who purchased ANSI/IIAR 9-2020, but do not have a member kit, can access a PDF of the changes only here.
"It should be noted that all ammonia refrigeration facilities must evaluate their systems by January 2026. Also keep in mind that the complete review of the standard will begin in 2025 and is estimated to be completed in 2026," IIAR indicated.