Latin America. On December 4 and 5, the Cold Latam 2020 will be held, Expo Virtual Fair of Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Heating that will have the participation of more than 30 national and international speakers.
The main objective of the event is to publicize the problems and solutions with respect to this area, and to give the opportunity to network with personalities and companies from each guest country.
Nora Santillán, coordinator of the event, said that the importance of this space lies in the fact that, after the Covid-19 pandemic, the reality of companies has changed and the challenges of Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Heating for biosecurity have varied and taken on a greater character of importance. "Everything is different, regarding those issues we are going to discuss, air conditioning, it will not be the same in hospitals or companies."
An innovative event
Meanwhile, Cristián Aguayo, CEO of UP Company, the organizer of the event, stressed that the idea arises as an initiative of the company to stimulate discussion and forums for the exchange of ideas for different economic sectors, through an innovative and unique system that allows a real-time experience during the two days of participation in the event. "Participants will be able to browse and interact with the speakers, visit the virtual expo, as well as have access to the database of participating companies."
The main speakers are experts in the area as presidents of the Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Heating associations of Panama, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Peru.
The event is aimed at service providers, product suppliers, vendors, people directly linked to everything related to this area such as construction or real estate, in general to professionals who need knowledge of these products.
How to participate?
The event will be broadcast through "UpWebinar", a platform that emerged from the pandemic, which has already held several events in Latin America. "It is a specific platform to create virtual events, it allows you to make rooms, networking and even participate in video calls, along with other functionalities necessary for the realization of these fairs," explained Aguayo.
The duration of the expoferia is two days from 8 AM to 4 PM with schedule regulations for certain countries.
The platform works through the cell phone, tablet or laptop and the people who register are the only ones who will have access to the conferences that are held and the registration is totally free.
For those interested in participating, the means of contact to register for the fair are through the website and to sponsor the event write to [email protected]