Brazil. Data confirmed by the organization of the 20th edition of Febrava indicated that the event attracted about 28 thousand people to the São Paulo Expo during four days of exhibition. The fair also had businesses that exceeded one million dollars.
The fair was held in an area of 50 thousand m² and was attended by 280 exhibiting companies that were able to show visitors their services and products. The environment fostered new business relationships, strengthened alliances and promoted business. "We have managed to achieve our goals. Together with ABRAVA, the main association of the sector, we held a fair that was effective for both visitors and exhibitors, we contributed to the development of this market with actions, content and innovation, "said Ivan Romão, product manager of Febrava.
The engineer Arnaldo Basile, president of Abrava, highlighted the importance of the realization of the 20th edition of the Febrava, as one of the most important editions held in recent times, as it marks the challenge of overcoming the difficulties created by the Brazilian political-economic context. The proof of this was the participation of the exhibiting companies. "They were days of many actions that allowed us to witness how much all the events were successful. In recent days, talking with colleagues in the sector, everyone, without exception, testified that the situation is improving, I can only thank all agents involved in the actions carried out, that the work for our sector cannot and will not stop", revealed Arnaldo Basile.
The experiences encouraging the realization of business had actions such as the Premium Club Plus, a space of relationship between executives of the exhibitors and the main qualified buyers of the entire productive chain. In addition, the Abrava Business Roundtable, promoted by the Abrava Exporta program, attracted international buyers and moved businesses over one million dollars, according to estimates.
For Leila Vasconcellos, program manager, "business rounds are important because they bring together potential buyers and importers of Brazilian companies, which enables the development of new commercial relationships and new distribution points for Brazilian products in the sector."