Article submitted by Claudia Fernandez
I have always felt that the connection with nature is something that should not be left aside, with time and things that happened in my life was changing many habits in me when I realized that those habits caused an impact on my environment, on this the planet we inhabit, and change instead I came to consider the idea of veganism.
I watched videos, stories, and listened to experiences about how truly cruel the food industry is, and how terrible the treatment of animals is, I understood that if I really wanted to be kinder to the planet and loved animals I could not eat a living being, the final blow was the day my cat died I decided to make the decision and for a year and months I am a vegetarian , I feel better and also get sick less. But best of all, in addition to eating healthier, I'm a little less cruel to the planet and the beings that inhabit it. That is why I would like to write in a green blog so that that experience of someone who once ignored their connection with nature, allows more people to know and inform themselves about how to take care of nature and be more friendly to the environment.
I'm from Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico.
Authors: Val