Ecologists in Action Castilla y León asked for the advance of the closure of the nuclear power plant of Santa María de Garoña (Burgos), very similar to the Japanese one of Fukushima, understanding that what has happened in this facility after the earthquake is a "serious warning" about what the Burgos infrastructure means for the population.
The collective, in a statement collected by Europa Press, explained that it follows with special concern the evolution of events at the Japanese nuclear power plant of Fukushima, as a result of the earthquake and tsunami last Friday and the widespread failure of the safety systems of several of its reactors.
Environmentalists indicated that reactor 1 of the Fukushima plant, out of control since Friday because of failures in its cooling systems, is very similar to that of the Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant (General Electric's BWR boiling water technology, power of 460 MW, start of operation in 1971), "so the failures of its safety systems are a serious warning about the danger posed by the Burgos plant to the population and the environment in the event of a serious accident."
In both cases, they indicated, these are first generation power plants, with technology from the 60s of the last century, which will complete 40 years of operation and present serious symptoms of aging, despite which they have been subject to an extension of their operating permits beyond the age for which they were designed, in the case of Garoña until 2013, "sacrificing security to the interest of the operating companies to extend the large benefits provided by some plants with their investment already amortized".
Ecologists in Action added that, despite the unlikely nature of a seismic episode such as the one recorded in Japan in Garoña, the operation of an "obsolete" plant has been extended that, in the event of a serious accident or an unforeseeable situation (such as a terrorist attack) could reproduce the behavior of the Fukushima reactor. (EUROPA PRESS)
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