The European renewables sector believes it is feasible to reach 42.3% in electricity consumption, 23.5% in heating and cooling, and 12.2% in transport consumption in 2020, according to the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA).
Thus, these data improve the forecasts of the National Action Plans on Renewable Energies (PANER) presented by the 27 EU Member States of the European Commission, which foresee reaching a share of renewables of 34.3% of electricity demand, 21.5% of heating and cooling and 11.27% of transport consumption.
In addition, the PANER estimate to reach a share of renewable energies of 20.7% of the final energy consumption by 2020, but the renewable industry – based on the energy demand scenarios of the PANER – considers that 24% of renewable energies can be reached in the final energy demand.
The consortium of the European project REPAP2020 - composed of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), the European Renewable Energy Forum (Eufores), the national renewable energy associations, the Fraunhofer ISI institute, the Technical University of Vienna and the law firm Becker Büttner Held - has published three PANER data analysis reports.
According to the Association, the reports, which show that some PANER present very positive initiatives with new measures in the electricity or heating and cooling sectors, also underline that some PANER are not "ambitious enough" to achieve the objectives. (EUROPA PRESS)
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