The Foundation Technology Center for Components (CTC) will attend next year's eighth edition of the International Marine Energy Conference, the Energy Ocean International Conference.
This event will be held on June 15 and 16 in the state of Maine (United States), and will bring together the main agents of renewable energies in their 'offshore' modality, with more than 50 exhibitors and complementary activities.
In it, participants will be able to learn about the latest technological advances, investment opportunities, legal issues and different regulations around the world. regulatory and planned and implemented projects around the world.
The Technological Center of Components (CTC) was created in 2000 as a foundation of a private nature, of the autonomous public sector, at the service of society and the industrial fabric.
It currently belongs to the SODERCAN Group and its main objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of the region, helping companies to evaluate the technological viability of their ideas, as well as to technically execute their research, development and innovation projects, as part of the science-technology-business system.
The CTC has an operating model based on Business Units of a sectoral nature, with a clear customer orientation, providing value in each project it develops, thanks to the specialization, training and efficient management of its human team, formed by 30 people, including doctors, higher and middle graduates.
The projects that are developed in the CTC have as one of their objectives, to minimize the impact on the environment and maintain a correct environmental performance, through the sustainable management of its resources, the application of responsible environmental policies of its subcontractors and the evaluation of the environmental impact of its projects.
The sectors of activity in which he focuses his work are: Aerospace, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energies, Automotive and a technological line oriented to Advanced Materials.
In 2010, this foundation, which has 30 highly qualified employees, has developed works for 26 companies worth 1.2 million euros.
Its headquarters are located in the Science and Technology Park of Cantabria (PCTCAN), in facilities that occupy two floors and an area of 450 square meters.
Among the CTC's features is the two-axis Motion Simulator with detachable thermal camera for modeling and testing stabilized platforms, Inertial Measurement Units and Inertial Sensors.
This equipment has required a very careful installation, with insulation of the ground to avoid vibrations and an orientation on the geographical north, instead of the magnetic. Among other functions, it allows to calibrate with exceptional precision the guidance systems of missiles or satellites.
Also, the new laboratory has the new Electron Microscope, called atomic force (AFM) because it can observe at the atomic scale, for analysis of materials at the nanometer scale. (EUROPA PRESS)
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