The Deputy Minister of Employment of the Junta de Andalucía, Justo Mañas, has opted this Monday for training in the renewable energy sector, not only for his professional improvement, but for the "possibilities that open to undertake an activity on his own.
Mañas has made this statement, after participating in the calusura of the Forja XXI workshop that has concluded with the training of 15 installers of solar thermal panels. The students of the course have received a diploma that accredits them as an expert in installer and maintainer of plates for hot water production.
According to Forja XXI in a note, the members of this training project have acquired knowledge in plumbing, electricity and masonry. "The most important thing is that thanks to this training, not only are you more qualified but you can undertake this activity on your own," says the Deputy Minister of Employment, who affirms that all new buildings are required by law to this type of facilities, so "that you have an emerging field".
In this same line, the president of Forja XXI, Francisco Navarro, underlines the importance of the training received because "it will facilitate your incorporation into the labor market."
Apart from the specific knowledge in the field, the students --ten men and five women-- have received compensatory training, the latter circumstance that has made it possible for eleven of them to have obtained the title of Secondary Education for Adults (ESA), in addition to notions in risk prevention and job orientation.
The members of this employment workshop have also made formative visits to the exhibition organized by Solarkit, a prototype of a removable and energy-self-sufficient housing designed by the University of Seville, and to the XV Construction Fair of Seville where the main novelties of the solar thermal energy sector were shown. (EUROPA PRESS)
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