The company Fundación Leading Innova works on the development of systems for the use of wave energy, for which it has called for a pre-selection of candidates for a job offer through the COIE of the University of Cantabria.
For this, it is requested as a requirement that the applicants be graduated by the University of Cantabria as a graduate in Naval Machines or Naval Technical Engineer, and it is valued that they have previous experience in marine renewable energy projects, as well as knowledge of Maxsurf, Hydromax and Aqwa, according to the information consulted by Europa Press.
CT Innova is a private non-profit foundation, promoted by the Leading Enterprises Group and important international groups, and open to any private company in the industrial sector, with the Board of Trustees being its governing body.
This company has as its primary objective to contribute to the technological development of companies, helping to evaluate the technological viability of their ideas, as well as to technically develop their research and technological innovation projects.
CT Innova bases its activities in the field of R + D + i, for which it carries out advanced R + D + i projects, and generates synergies with companies and national and international organizations through R + D + i programs.
To this end, it has a multidisciplinary team, which combines personnel from leading research centers with experience in carrying out R & D + i projects in the field of design and mechanical calculation, manufacturing processes, renewable energies and telecommunications.
Thus, ct Innova's staff is made up of mechanical engineers, materials engineers, telecommunications engineers, process improvement engineers, graduates in Economics, Design technicians and Software &RFID technicians. (EUROPA PRESS)
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