Posted on December 10, 2010
The Government of Cantabria has approved to the Fundación Laboral del Metal two courses on renewable energies that are aimed especially at people in a situation of unemployment.
Specifically, these are the courses 'Assembly and maintenance of solar thermal installations' and 'Technician of renewable energy systems'.
The first of them will last 430 hours, to which we must add the internships in companies, while the second will last 390 hours, according to information from the organization collected by Europa Press.
Both courses are part of the Training and Vocational Insertion Program 2010-2011, and you can get more information about them in the Training Department of this entity (942 23 99 06), or on its website (
In addition, FAASE (Fundación Aparecida de Actividades Socio Económicas) has in Ampuero the course 'Manufacture and industrial assembly of industrial pipes'.
The Metal Labor Foundation is a non-profit organization constituted by Pymetal Cantabria, the Federation of Industry of Workers' Commissions and MCA-UGT Cantabria.
This entity focuses on meeting the training, qualification and employment needs of workers and companies in the steel and metallurgical sector and metal trade of Cantabria.
The Fundación Laboral del Metal from its different areas develops a wide variety of innovative projects at the local, regional, national and European level.
Thus, in its research and development it has as partners a wide variety of Spanish or European agents: companies, universities, different organizations and associations, government agents and research centers.
To do this, it has in its R + D + i department, with qualified technical personnel for the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects.
It also dedicates part of its activity to training in environmental matters in metal work, acting on the use of natural resources, emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into water, soil pollution, the generation of waste and noise pollution.
Since 2007 the Metal Labor Foundation, in collaboration with the Aparecida Foundation and with the co-financing of the Ministry of Environment of the Government of Cantabria, develops the program 'Ecometal Cantabria'.
It is an initiative that applies transversal training in environmental education and through which didactic materials and environmental occupational guides have been developed for companies and workers in the metal sector.
In addition to raising awareness in general, the program seeks to influence each worker individually, educating and guiding on sustainable practices in their daily work activity. (EUROPA PRESS)
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