Brazil. Close to celebrating 60 years of foundation, ABRAVA announced the members of the Executive Directorate, the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council for the period 2022-2025. The election is headed by Pedro Evangelinos, as president of the Board of Directors.
In a brief statement, the executive president of ABRAVA, Arnaldo Basile, stated that the success of the activities of the entity shows how much the Association grew thanks to interactions with professionals and other entities.
"I thank the ABRAVA operational team and the associated companies, who value all the actions we have developed. After all, it is the DN (National Departments), composed of companies, that give ABRAVA visibility and national and international representation before other entities."
Among those present who participated in the incorporation ceremony, the Oidor of ABRAVA, Celso Simões, spoke a few words. The president of the Center for Industries of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), Rafael Cervone, congratulated the managers and reinforced the commitment to defend and support the industry and affiliated unions.
With the floor, the president of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), Josué Gomes da Silva, also stressed that FIESP and CIESP are side by side with entities such as ABRAVA, to rescue the dynamism of the transformation industry in Brazil, lost in three of the last four decades.
"The Brazilian processing industry, which has already accounted for more than 27% of GDP, today accounts for around 11%. ABRAVA is an entity that represents a dynamic sector and has a lot to teach other sectors of the transformation industry, how we can grow again at accelerated rates," he argued.
Mr. Luiz Moura, vice president-elect, said he was honored to assume the vice presidency of the Board of Directors of the entity, "especially since a little more than six years ago, since I assumed executive positions in large manufacturers of our segment, I frequently follow the activities of the Association. I feel extremely motivated to contribute to the sustainable growth of our sector, in order to play a role that reconciles the interests of our associates and the various entities that make up our market, obviously always respecting our values and our Code of Ethics," he said.
Finally, the president of the Board of Directors of ABRAVA, Sindratar-SP and of the Academic Council of SENAI Oscar Rodrigues Alves, Pedro Evangelinos, stressed that "by giving continuity to the previous management, we will seek the isonomy of our sector against competitors. Our segment does not need subsidies, we do not want any kind of benefit. We need to have the same conditions as our international competitors in terms of change, interest, taxes and infrastructure. Give us this, and you can zero the Import Tax for all items in the sector. We won't have a problem with that. We want isonomy, not subsidies," he emphasized.
The master of ceremonies, Charles Domingues, closed the ceremony by asking Arnaldo Basile to express the slogan long used by ABRAVA, which now updated after the pandemic becomes "Air conditioning is good and does well, and along with refrigeration, both are essential."
The Board of Directors of ABRAVA is composed of Pedro Evangelinos (President), Luiz Moura (Vice President), Arnaldo Basile (Executive President) and the directors: Arnaldo Lopes Parra (Director of Associative and Institutional Relations), Cristiano Brasil (Director of Technology), Fábio Takahama (Director of Economy), Gilberto Machado (Legal Director), Jovelino Antonio Vanzin (Director of Relations with the Government), Samoel Vieira de Souza (Director of International Relations) and Charles Domingues (Director of Professional Development).
The board is completed by Paulo Neulaender (Director of Marketing and Communications), Renato Cesquini (Director of Environment), Paulo Américo Reis (Director of Operations and Finance), Eduardo Brunacci (Social Director), Luciano Marcato (Director of Energy Efficiency), Celso Simões (Oidor), Henrique Cury (Delegate of International Relations), Thiago Pietrobon (Deputy Director of Environment), and Joana Canozzi (Deputy Director of Communication and Marketing).
The Fiscal Council consists of Wadi Tadeu Neaime, Renato Nogueira de Carvalho and Leonardo Cozac de Oliveira Neto (effective) and Hernani José Diniz de Paiva, Wagner Marinho Barbosa and Sidnei Ivanof (alternates).