Peru. With many expectations, the Peruvian Chapter of ASHRAE began work, an initiative approved by Region XII on November 10.
The first President of the Peruvian Chapter for the period 2020-2021 is Eng. Alfredo Escárate Cobeñas, who described for ACR Latin America the following objectives that this new initiative for the HVAC sector in Peru has at the forefront.
- Publicize the work of ASHRAE throughout the country
- Encourage the training of student branches in universities in the interior of the country, which will allow the technological development of students.
- Support the state entities of our country to improve the standards of indoor air quality, thermal comfort, ventilation, energy efficiency, sustainability and other specialties within the scope of ASHRAE.
- Encourage the international certification that ASHRAE offers for professionals, technicians and students in our country.
- The new chapter seeks to contribute to the development of the country in a sustainable way.
- As expectations of the new chapter we expect the support of the authorities, professionals, technicians and people involved in the sciences and art of HVAC & R in our country, and strengthen the sector through interaction through courses seminars and technical talks.
On the main activities on which ASHRAE Peru will focus its efforts, Eng. Alfredo said that "we will ensure that the regulations of air quality breathed within the infrastructure of Peru improve and achieve objectives of quality of life and compliance with international standards."
Finally, on the current strengths and weaknesses of the current market in Peru, the president of ASHRAE Peru, said:
"Its strengths go through the feeling of unity that has been forged with the expectation of the formation of the Peruvian Chapter of ashrae and the weakness goes on the side of the national regulations that do not advance at the required pace; the Peruvian Chapter of ASHRAE will represent the voice of HVAC/R professionals throughout the country, who need to reinforce the National Regulations, to improve the quality of life and health of the habitability of infrastructure in Peru and apply energy efficiency in existing constructions and in new implementations."
The founding board of directors ASHRAE Peru Chapter 2020 – 2021 is made up of the following Engineers:
- President- Eng. Alfredo Escarate Cobeñas
- President-Elect - Mr. Luis Clemente Bocanegra Ortiz
- Vice President - Eng. Willian Morales Quispe
- Secretary - Eng. Miguel Angel Ccama Tito
- Treasurer - Eng. Nina Catacora Ramirez
- Vocal - Eng. Berenice Fernanda Bernuy Salinas
- Member - Eng. Dante Andres Garcia Meneses
- Vocal - Eng. Billy Sonny Condor Romero
The official opening of the chapter will be held on December 17 at 7:00 p.m. (Lima time).
Buenos días, para saludarlos y desearles tengan éxitos en lo que se han trazado, en estas circunstancias difíciles que vivimos, debo preguntar si existe alguna norma en Perú respecto al virus COVI 19, se recomienda la utilización de filtros en los equipos HVAC, y el empleo de de luces UV en las unidades evaporadoras, como supervisor de obras electromecánicas, debo recomendar y basarme en un ente normativo nacional o internacional, agradeceré sus comentarios.
saludos, Augusto
Saludos, Augusto, puedes basarte en las guías que ha publicado ASHRAE para esta situación específica. En el siguiente link puedes encontrar mayor información.