Mexico. Danfos participated in the discussion table on the Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 of the United Nations, on the waste and loss of food, at the table was present Thomas Falke Mortensen, Minister of Environment, Food and Agriculture of Denmark, and the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (Semarnat) Mr. Rafael Pacchiano.
With the aim of increasing predictability in the value chain, Danfoss' participation focused on how systems technology improves reliability and efficiency with food producers, Danfoss' technological innovation ranges from controllers and software tools that allow monitoring, track and optimize food preservation throughout the supply chain to analytical systems and machine learning in the retailer's warehouse to predict any maintenance failures before they happen.
"Today, about a third of the food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted. About a quarter of food loss takes place in the retail sector, a great opportunity to digitize processes and connect systems to people, we have predictive technology," said Miguel Ángel González, Managing Director of Danfoss Mexico.
González also emphasized that motivating the private sector could reduce food waste and loss, "I think we should focus on the benefits by driving development on all fronts: economic, environmental and social. We have to translate these benefits in terms of the positive impact it generates in our society such as the conservation of natural resources, the fight against climate change, the optimization of energy efficiency and the challenge of hunger in our country. If we focus on these 4 pillars we will provide key competitive advantages and differentiators that will enrich the value proposition of the private sector".
According to Danfoss there are four main actors that can drive the agenda in this area, food producers, retailers, policymakers and technology providers. "We have to work together to define the high-level objectives and goals of this initiative and we could develop a collaborative agreement to join forces and identify potential projects that could be the point. starting point for a proof-of-concept implementation that allows us to touch and feel the benefits."