Chile. Throughout 2017, the centro de evaluación de competencias laboral FríoCalor, of the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Association, certified more than two hundred technicians, professionals and office workers of the profiles of Installer and Maintainer of Commercial and Industrial Air Conditioning Systems and Commercial Refrigeration and Industrial which were held in the certification ceremonies attended by ChileValora, SENCE and the Ozone Unit of the Ministry of the Environment.
The Chamber explains that the purpose of job competency assessments lies in the recognition of the work and competencies that people possess, mainly those who do not have a professional title that formally recognizes their talents and abilities.
The Friocalor center delivers certificate and certification credential to each worker who participated in the evaluation process, attributing a significant value that contributes in the sum of the quality of work in refrigeration and air conditioning in Chile.
The emphasis on the contribution of organizations such as ChileValora, SENCE and the Ozone Unit of the Ministry of the Environment is that it recognizes the impulse of the evaluation and certification programs, bringing us, through their workers, closer to the quality standards that are expected for this item at the country level.
Waldo Contreras Campos, from the Metropolitan Directorate of SENCE, said the following: "Certifications are spaces for rapprochement as a society, validation and support. That is why we, as the National Training and Employment Service, want the worker to feel that he is not alone, that he can always count on us to advance in life, and that SENCE will always have its doors open to continuing education for those who could not access a regular training process. That we are here to accompany and help them."
Finally, the center for the evaluation of labor competencies FríoCalor, has been working since 2013 with amateurs, technicians and professionals in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration, which translate its management into a substantial and constant contribution to the quality of the service of the sector itself. Professionalizing their knowledge and skills within the framework of certifications and giving great importance to the service and contribution of Chilean society, emphasizing in the development and extension programs of training as it is currently the Subsidy Program of the Ministry of the Environment, which is still open vacancies for this year 2018, and that gives participants the opportunity to expand their work horizons.