Brazil. Systemair has signed an agreement to acquire 75% of the shares of the Brazilian company Traydus, Brazilian manufacturer of personalized air handling units and fan coils, located near the city of Sao Paulo, and which has 75 employees.
"Despite the current political and financial challenges, we see this as a very interesting opportunity to strategically establish Systemair in Brazil. Focusing on energy efficiency, Traydus is positioned in the top technology segment of the Brazilian ventilation market and is a perfect fit for Systemair. This opens up possibilities for introducing a wider range of Systemair products from other factories. With Systemair-Traydus and our existing operations in Chile and Peru, we will be able to successfully compete for projects in South America," said Roland Kasper, Ceo of Systemair.
Kasper said the contract has an option to acquire the entire company in the medium term: "Initially we are going to acquire 75%, with immediate effect, and they have a binding option to acquire the remaining 25% within six years," Roland Kasper confirmed.
The confirmation of the agreement was carried out during the Febrava 2015 that was fulfilled the previous week in Sao Paulo.