On March 5, Energy Efficiency Day is celebrated around the world, a date to reflect on the habits of citizens in the face of the sustainable and rational use of energy and the commitment of companies, institutions and governments to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
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This day has its origins in 1998 in Austria, home of the first international conference on Energy Efficiency where more than 350 experts and leaders from 50 countries discussed strategies to face the energy crisis and address possible solutions.
During this day in numerous forums and organizations we work and discuss what are the best ways to live better and continue with our current life system reducing energy consumption in all areas, without losing quality, productivity and comfort.
This year is marked by the approval in congress of the new star project of Rodríguez Zapatero, the draft of the Sustainable Economy Law that lays the foundations for a new energy model based on security of supply, economic efficiency and respect for the environment, determining the objectives of energy saving for the Administration.
The Government incorporates into the legal system measures that allow us to comply with the commitments made with the European Union for the year 2020 consisting of cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 20%, improving energy efficiency by another 20% and that 20% of the energy it consumes comes from renewable sources.
To achieve these objectives, Spain must make a great effort working on the development of efficient technologies, products and services in the fields with the greatest potential for energy saving, promoting responsible habits that make possible a lower energy consumption, improving the competitiveness of companies and the quality of personal life.
The main energy consuming sectors and where measures in terms of Energy Saving and Efficiency can be carried out and promoted are:
Transport, the most energy-consuming sector in Spain, approaching 40% of the national total and especially the car that represents approximately 15% of that total, should be enhanced with measures such as labelling to promote low-consumption and electric vehicles, encourage alternatives to the private car such as public transport, non-motorised transport and diversification in the mobility of people and goods, mainly in road transport
Buildings, which represent 20% of Spain's energy needs and where reductions of one third of consumption can be achieved by encouraging measures to improve the design of buildings and encourage the installation of more efficient lighting, heating, air conditioning and hot water systems.
The industrial sector, responsible for 30% of the energy consumption of our country and where the influence on the decrease in energy consumption of the implementation of saving and efficiency measures implemented in industrial processes through the application of new technologies has been demonstrated thanks to the conclusions obtained in the realization of energy audits.
However, despite the interest of all of us, we still have a lot to make progress and we have before us exciting challenges that we must satisfy during the coming decade and that we must start designing right now.
These challenges involve administrations, companies, and professionals in equal parts, in this pressing need because this new energy trend can provoke a significant change in our economic and social model.
Administrations must encourage R + D + i in energy efficiency, which is an objective value in contracting processes as a quality criterion and promote fiscal measures to encourage companies to be more committed to Energy Saving and Efficiency, raising awareness and achieving the involvement of all social strata.
Companies must participate by developing initiatives that generate new business and employment opportunities, which directly influence the reduction of costs within a framework of economic and environmental sustainability.
Professionals in energy saving and efficiency must collaborate with administrations and companies in the creation of a market with guarantees of quality, stability and independence, promoting the use of energy auditing as an essential tool to obtain a rigorous knowledge of energy consumption and optimizing the management of energy facilities.
SinCeO2 Energy Consulting
Authors: TECNOSOSTENIBLE - Engineering of comfort and energy efficiency