The national deputy Javier Gómez Darmendrail, member of the National Security Commission and the Nuclear Development Commission in Congress, recalled that the Nuclear Safety Council, the body empowered to decide on the future of nuclear and radioactive power plants, approved the operation of the Santa María de Garoña plant (Burgos) and has stated not only that this plant "is nothing like what it was" but in addition, nuclear energy "is becoming safer."
Gómez Darmendrail has participated this Monday in the First Conference on Nuclear Safety organized by the Circle of New Entrepreneurs at the Polytechnic School of the University of Valladolid (UVA), which has also had the intervention of Rafael Rubio, member of the Nuclear Youth Commission.
In statements to Europa Press, the deputy has criticized that the Government decided to close Garoña when the Council, "highly respected in Europe", had assured that the facilities could continue to operate and has considered that this contradiction is "a bad message".
"Either here there is a problem of insecurity or the Council is not worth anything," he said, while stressing that the Burgos plant has a thousand people working and said that, from the technical point of view, they are highly qualified employees.
Gómez Darmendrail has regretted that "misleading messages" are being launched and has urged to be more careful in this regard. "These gentlemen do not have it," he added in relation to the Government, while stressing that the disaster in Fukushima "does not help either."
For the deputy, this "indefinition" retracts when it comes to investing the owners of the plants, who are without legal security. "That is a very serious thing, in the plants you have to invest, the Garoña of now is nothing like what it was, there have been a lot of discoveries and the nuclear one is becoming safer," he said. (EUROPA PRESS)
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