The headquarters of the National Center for Renewable Energies (Cener) in Sarriguren hosts this Wednesday the conference 'Renewable energies and Space: looking for synergies', a meeting organized with the aim of identifying the needs of renewable energies that can be covered by the European Space Agency (ESA), in the context of its large-scale implementation.
In addition, funding opportunities offered by ESA under the IAP programme to develop new space-based services and applications have been presented, Cener said in a note.
The conference has been organized by ESA in collaboration with Cener in its capacity as the new Ambassador of the Space Agency and is mainly aimed at technicians from companies, institutions and technology centers.
In the context of reducing climate change and in line with the strategy of reducing energy dependence, renewable energies have become a priority worldwide. In this environment, Europe has adopted ambitious targets for the next decade (the so-called 'Objectives 20, 20, 20 by 2020') and a Strategic Technology Plan on Energy ('SET-Plan') that is based on the intensive use of renewable energies.
The challenges of renewable energy to be among the main sources of the energy mix include cost reduction and large-scale installation and integration into the grid. Space technologies can play a key role from the point of view of infrastructure and new services in solutions that facilitate the large-scale integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid.
ESA's new IAP programme provides funding for studies and projects aimed at defining and developing new services that can be facilitated by ESA.
This day held this Wednesday was attended by the opening ceremony of the Minister of Innovation, Business and Employment of the Government of Navarra, José María Roig, the Spanish delegate of ESA and CDTI technician, Andrea Pérez-Carro and the head of the Department of Telecommunications Applications and Integration of ESA, Professor Amnon Ginati.
Among the speakers were representatives of the main international energy associations of the renewable sector, such as EWEA (European Wind Energy Association), EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association), ESTELA SOLAR, and AEBIOM (European Biomass Energy Asscoiation). (EUROPA PRESS)
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