Endesa, through its Colombian distribution company Codensa, has signed a collaboration agreement with Renault in order to promote an electric mobility program in Colombia, through the exploration and study of the regulatory, commercial and energy aspects necessary for the implementation of this technology in the Latin American country.
Endesa's main contribution to this agreement will be the knowledge and experience gained through programmes already implemented in Europe, especially in Spain and Italy (through Enel, Endesa's main shareholders), on the development of recharging technologies and networks, reliability of supply or more successful business models, as well as the necessary regulatory initiatives.
Endesa has set the development of the sustainable transport model based on the electric vehicle as one of the main ways to combat climate change, a fundamental pillar of its Strategic Sustainability Plan 2008-2012, and has become one of the main protagonists in the development of the electric vehicle in Europe and Latin America, which will make it possible to contribute significantly to its implementation in Colombia.
"We are committed to being the leading electric group in electric mobility in Spain and Latin America and, therefore, we are looking for collaboration agreements with the most important players in this market, such as Renault. We will combine our knowledge and capabilities to ensure that we are prepared for the moment when the electric vehicle is massively marketed in Colombia," said Lucio Rubio, Endesa's general director in Colombia.
According to the company, Colombia is emerging as one of the most interesting markets for the future development of electric mobility in Latin America, mainly because its energy matrix is one of the cleanest in the region, due to its high participation of renewable energy.
In Chile, through the distribution company Chilectra, Endesa is moving forward to install the first fast-charging "electrolinera" in Latin America, which will be located in the city of Santiago, an area where the arrival of the first electric vehicles is expected. (EUROPA PRESS)
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