The Plenary of the Congress has rejected with the votes of PSOE, CiU and PNV an amendment introduced by the Senate to the norm of organic rank complementary to the Law of Sustainable Economy, which repealed the cut of premiums to the photovoltaic sector approved by the Government in the law of urgent measures for the correction of the tariff deficit of the electricity sector.
The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Miguel Sebastián, has met an hour before the debate with the deputies of CiU and PNV to achieve a last-minute agreement to defeat the amendment. In return, it undertakes to establish a dialogue with the affected sector, as explained in the corridors of the Lower House by the parliamentary spokesman of the PNV, Josu Erkoreka.
The president of the National Association of Producers and Investors of Renewable Energies (Anper), Rocío Hortigüela, has assured that this agreement is a "possibility" to increase the legal security of the sector and allow the contribution of photovoltaics to the cut of the tariff deficit to be "really proportionate". "We are going to fight to try to improve all the conditions," he said.
In this sense, he explained that this recovery of a road that, according to the photovoltaics, "was dead", has reopened the door to dialogue, which he wants to resume as soon as possible. "Tomorrow," he said. According to Hortigüela, the cut affects 50,000 facilities and 200,000 families.
In the course of the debate, the deputy of the PP, Celso Delgado, has harshly attacked the cut and has invited the rest of the groups to maintain the same position as in the Senate, where the Catalan and Basque nationalists supported the amendment.
Thus, the economic spokesman of CiU, Josep Sánchez Llibre, recalled that his parliamentary group abstained in January to validate the decree law but has never shared that the regime of retroactivity of the premiums to the photovoltaics was altered, which affects "many families" Catalan.
"We would like an understanding to be reached so as not to cause harm to these families," he remarked, assuring that the decision is relevant, so he will act with "responsibility." According to CiU, the negotiations would address the issue of the retroactivity of the cuts.
The deputy of ERC, Joan Ridao, has pointed out that the cuts to premiums cause great economic damage to family businesses and penalizes a sector that needs to meet its international objectives. "Who are the beneficiaries of what the government does?" asked Ridao rhetorically before pointing to the big electric companies.
His parliamentary group colleague and ICV deputy, Nuria Buenaventura, has also expressed her support for repealing the cuts to renewable energy premiums.
Finally, the deputy of UPN, Carlos Salvador, has denounced that the cuts in premiums harm producers who have been "loyal and consistent" and has asked that this amendment allows to achieve a reform of the rule "fair for the sector". (EUROPA PRESS)
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