The Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science will soon convene a prioritization contest for new wind farms with a capacity of 800 megawatts (MW). With this initiative, convened for the whole of the Community, progress is made towards the achievement of the objectives established in the Andalusian Energy Sustainability Plan 2007-2013 (Pasener).
The Order that regulates this call will soon begin its processing process, as announced on Monday by the Minister of Economy, Antonio Ávila, to the president of the Association of Promoters and Producers of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (Aprean), Mariano Barroso Flores, with whom he has held a meeting to address the evolution of the sector.
Thus, given that the capacity of the evacuation electricity network is "limited", the Andalusian Government has been calling for tenders of this nature since 2002 with the purpose of rationalizing and properly managing the available one, according to Economía in a note. In them, the available power is assigned to the different promoters, who concur through a procedure where issues such as the maturity of the development of the project, its contribution to the Andalusian business fabric, the commitment to innovation, among others, are valued.
Compared to other previous competitions, this one presents a series of novelties. On the one hand, the telematic submission of applications is enabled, and on the other, the financial burdens of the promoters are alleviated, allowing the promoter to request up to two connection points and that the guarantee of the Industrial Plan (up to a maximum of three million euros) can be deposited in general after the pre-allocation, and not at the beginning as happened in the previous wind contest.
Likewise, a new type of wind installation will be taken into consideration, with a maximum power of ten megawatts, and factors such as the contribution to the improvement of distribution networks or the existence of industrial plans will be assessed. For its part, the deadline for submitting documentation by the promoters goes from three months to one month.
The publication of Royal Decree-Law 6/2009 also establishes a state procedure so that facilities already prioritized can benefit from the economic regime provided. In this sense, the central government establishes a quota for each technology. "The pre-assigned plants will be able to start up and start pouring into the grid, if everything is in order," he adds.
Therefore, pending a new state call, the meaning of this regional prioritization contest focuses on generating a sufficiently wide offer --which is added to the existing one-- of wind projects so that, "when the deadlines are opened by the Ministry, they already have the necessary documentation and are correctly accredited for their possible registration in the national registry". (EUROPA PRESS)
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