The Technological Center for Energy and the Environment (Cetenma), belonging to the Network of Technology Centers of the Region of Murcia, promoted by the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research, through the Institute of Development (INFO), together with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), have organized this Thursday the day The future of the photovoltaic sector.
The meeting, which will take place at the University Campus of the Muralla del Mar, will discuss the opportunities offered by solar energy and the advantages of investing in R + D + i to prevent possible threats to the sector.
Experts from the business world and from different organizations identified with the energy sector that have traveled to Cartagena will address the perspectives and business opportunities in the field of photovoltaic solar energy.
In addition, they will analyze the current legislative situation, internationalization of the product and the benefits of protecting the advances in R + D + i of companies in the sector, as well as the financing options of initiatives at European level, according to sources from the Coordination Center of Technology Centers (Cecotec) in a statement.
This day is part of the actions of the Solar Technological Observatory of the Region of Murcia (Otesol), which promoted by Cetenma and UPCT, aims to be a platform that serves as a shuttle for innovative projects to enhance the Murcian business fabric related to solar energy, and by extension, with renewable energies.
Otesol intends to seek common solutions for companies in the solar energy sector of the Region, so that many of them can benefit from the doubts or concerns that are resolved on the platform, an issue that will allow their settlement with guarantees in a market as competitive as the current one. (EUROPA PRESS)
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