The company Inbisa is about to complete the construction of two new photovoltaic plants that will be built on an area of more than 50,000 square meters and that will strengthen the group's commitment to renewables. One of them, which will exceed 40,000 square meters, will be located in Corcoya, in the Sevillian town of Badolatosa.
In a statement, the company indicates that the company Enerpal is responsible for the coordination of this investment, as well as the development of other projects based on wind and photovoltaic energy.
In this case, the two solar farms, whose construction is expected to end this month, are located in Corcoya (Seville) and Fuentes de Valdepero (Palencia), and extend over surfaces of 40,068 square meters and 13,400 square meters, respectively.
In 2010, Inbisa already completed the construction of two projects, one of them in Fuentes de Año (Ávila), with a constructed area of 67,642 square meters and an investment of almost 900,000 euros, and another in Magaz de Pisuerga (Palencia), consisting of the earthworks and conditioning of the road for the wind farm and the solar garden that will be built in this area. (EUROPA PRESS)
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