The environmental organization Greenpeace will demand from the Government the dismissal of the new Secretary of State for Energy, Fabrizio Hernández, considering him "disqualified" from exercising his position within the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, and for his "trajectory against renewables", after making an economic report on the closure of the Nuclear Power Plant of Santa María de Garoña (Burgos).
Thus, the nuclear spokesman of Greenpeace, Carlos Bravo, has explained in statements to Europa Press that the NGO is "preparing" to demand its cessation by judicial or administrative means and that it is waiting for Hernández to "appear or not" and see "the explanations he gives" as an expert of Nuclenor cited by the National Court this Friday at 10.30 am.
The new Secretary of State is co-author of the expert report prepared at the request of the owner of the Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant, Nuclenor, to quantify the loss of profits derived from the ministerial order that sets the closure of the plant on July 6, 2013. The document was commissioned to the specialized consultancy Nera and assesses that the economic damage of this decision amounts to 951.4 million euros that it would now claim from the State.
"It is evident that he can not continue in the position so we ask that the Government cease him," said Bravo, who has described as "inadmissible, surprising, bizarre and surreal" that the expert requested by Nuclenor and cited "expressly" by the National Court to ratify the document that claims the state almost 1,000 million euros, is now the Secretary of State for Energy, who must defend the ministerial order to close the Burgos plant.
In that sense, he states that "this person is completely disqualified, due to his career, to decide anything about Iberdrola and Endesa", which own 50 percent of Garoña. Bravo defends that he and no other has been expressly cited, so he believes that he should not or could not send another person.
In this regard, the Administrative Litigation Chamber of the National Court approved last week a document by which Hernández will not have to go to the appointment in the courts, but will attend the co-author of the report, Óscar Arnedillo.
In this context, Bravo stresses that the new head of Energy "is not impartial" because "he has maintained a very specific position against renewable energies" and because he sees "evidence that he will not be impartial." "He cannot continue in the position because we doubt that it is compatible," he reiterated.
Finally, he said that Hernández is now "judge and implicated party on the part of Nuclenor" in the dispute over the closure of Santa María de Garoña. (EUROPA PRESS)
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