What comes to mind when you think of Costa Rica, rainforests and cloud forests, beaches with good surfing, jaguars... rampant corruption? The journal Conservation highlights a new study showing how Costa Rica remains an example of how to balance conservation and development, is far from immune to the corruption issues that hinder these efforts.
To understand why, in 2005 Michael Miller of the University of South Florida conducted interviews with 15 experts familiar with forestry issues in the province of Limon Costa Rica. In particular, it focused on the greater Amistad-Caribe Conservation Area, where illegal logging is believed to be especially common. Experts, government officials, environmentalists and loggers painted a troubling picture. Forest regulators said it is customary to accept bribes and other favors in exchange for opening protected areas from logging, or allowing loggers to take or transport more trees than allowed.
Why do people accept bribes? The same reason people take bribes in much of the world. Miller says it is due to "a serious failure to meet material needs, including salaries, equipment, funds and personnel."
So, while perhaps not uncommon, it should be taken as a reminder that just below the green surface, Costa Rica has some of the same struggles as other nations. In a way at least that's a good thing. It's not like you have to be totally corruption-free, 100% transparent, fair and green to take important measures for conservation.
Authors: Val