The Pink dolphin is also known as the Amazon dolphin, this because it lives in the rivers, lagoons and swamps of the Amazon river and the Orinoco river, it is a very intelligent and sociable dolphin with humans, its color is usually pink but varies to light brown or bluish gray, and at present it is another species that unfortunately is in danger of extinction, fishing nets and hydroelectric dams are their main enemies, although also some deaths of pink dolphins are due to the poisoning of mercury that exists in their environment, because in the nearby gold mines they use this material to separate the other from the rock.
The pink dolphin when it is an adult measures up to 3 meters in length and weighs up to 200 kg, they are practically blind and use echo-location, as a sonar, to locate their prey and avoid obstacles. They usually swim as a couple and in special situations form groups of up to 20 dolphins, unlike oceanic dolphins, their cervical vertebrae are not molten, and allow a lot of mobility of the head.
Authors: Santiago