The coordinator of Iniciativa-Verds, David Abril, and the Councilor for Housing, Magdalena Palou, have called for the incorporation of renewable energies in the Balearic Islands and the progressive disappearance of fossil fuels that are being used, as in the case of Es Murterar, one of the energy factories that they consider the most polluting in the world.
In front of the headquarters of Gesa-Endesa in Es Coll den Rebassa, Abril regretted that "the most serious thing" is that this electricity company "sells clean energy in its advertisements when in the Balearic Islands it is not generated, since it complies with the file with which it can be generated in Catalonia or Aragon".
"From Iniciativa-Verds we are in favor of debureaucratizing and removing administrative obstacles to the implementation of renewables, which makes life impossible for many companies interested in investing in the sector," he added.
Finally, he pointed out that generating energy with fossil fuels, in the case of the islands, since there is a "strong extra cost for transport, in addition to environmental costs, is three times more expensive than if these energy sources were renewable". (EUROPA PRESS)
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