Mexico. Enel, an Italian company dedicated to the energy sector, announced that it will make an estimated investment of about US$700 million for the construction of four wind farms, after having managed to win a tender.
It is estimated that the new plants will begin operations during the first half of 2020, according to the company recognized as one of the largest investors in the renewable energy sector in the North American country.
Previously, Enel had mentioned in its new strategic plan that it will shift the focus to more mature markets such as Italy, Spain and the US, reinforcing the commitment to digitize its networks more.
In its 2018-2020 business plan, the parent company of Spain's Endesa confirmed most of the financial objectives of its previous plan, but improved next year's minimum dividend by 33% to 0.28 euros per share.
The group added that it would divest assets for another 3.2 billion euros until 2020 and that it would allocate 2.3 billion euros to buy back minorities and 2 billion euros to buy networks and computer services companies.
Source: América Economía.