Venezuela. In order to strengthen the production of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, as well as elements for thermal insulation, the Venezuelan Chamber of Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Venecor) recently met with the president of the National Assembly (AN), Fernando Soto Rojas.
Venecor's proposal seeks to articulate the legislative power with several institutions of the State of that country in order to double the labor force by 120% in the production of these equipment in five months, but they require overcoming some difficulties in obtaining foreign exchange and certificates of non-production that are required to obtain the imported raw material.
"If we can resolve this situation and get the National Government to support us in the acquisition of inputs, certificates and foreign exchange, undoubtedly economic stability and food sovereignty will increase significantly in the country," said Willy Patiño, of the Refrigeration Chamber.
The AN requested general reports of the 150 existing refrigeration companies in Venezuela and the formalization of the proposal, which would allow the reduction in the costs of this equipment and even its import.
With information from the Venezuelan News Agency.