International. When presenting its new AIRHOME-350/V, the SODECA company indicated that this equipment offers energy savings of up to 90%, thanks to which it is certified with the Passivhaus standard for cold and warm climatic zones.
This heat recovery unit has an air renewal capacity of 350 m³/h and is designed for large homes. According to the manufacturer, its temperature and humidity probes allow regulating the renewal of air inside the house, taking into account the needs of its occupants and reducing energy consumption.
Another feature of the AIRHOME-350/V is that it has a Mobdus RTU communication protocol that allows the equipment to be integrated with the home automation system.
"Without a doubt we are facing a recuperator that stands out above all for its characteristics of efficient ventilation for homes. In addition, by having the Passivhaus certification, AIRHOME-350/V becomes one of the benchmarks in the market," SODECA said in a statement.
About Passivhaus
The main objective of the Passivhaus standard is to significantly reduce the heating and cooling energy demand of a building, thus minimizing its environmental impact and achieving a high level of interior comfort.
Passivhaus buildings are designed to be highly airtight and remain thermally insulated, allowing to maintain a constant and comfortable indoor temperature while reducing the demand for conventional heating or cooling systems.