International. Thanks to their hybrid operation, Güntner's new high-density adiabatic dry coolers and condensers use up to 70% less water compared to traditional cooling towers.
Eliminating the waste of water produced by cooling solutions, in addition to reducing the environmental impact, can also positively affect the final result. This was the goal that Güntner set itself with its new units of dry coolers and adiabatic capacitors of high density, since its cooling process is a hybrid system designed to make efficient use of water resources.
This makes them a more profitable and efficient alternative in the use of resources, being ideal for industries such as food, data processing, manufacturing and power generation, where it seeks to reduce costs in cooling towers and maintenance without affecting the quality of the operation.
Unlike traditional cooling towers that only work by evaporation, Günter's high-density adiabatic dry coolers and condensers can operate in dry and evaporative mode. A useful factor, since dry cooling is usually sufficient in most loads and temperatures, which translates into lower water consumption.
In the case of this solution, to cover the peaks, evaporative cooling through the hydroBLU precooling system is activated above a preset temperature threshold. The system contains humidification pads installed in front of the heat exchangers, as well as the GHM and GMMnext intelligent control modules, which adjust the cooling water flow to provide the required level of additional cooling. Generating savings of up to 70% in the water used.
Advantages of this system
Finally, due to the lower humidity in the system, it does not require disinfection or other chemical treatment of the water to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Similarly, moisture damage decreases. In that sense, maintenance costs are reduced, but also the environmental footprint of its operation.