Latin America. We share the most recent issue of the ACR Latinonamerica magazine Vol. 26 Nº2 - 2023, in its digital version. This issue has as its main theme a technical and slightly irreverent approach to air conditioning for planting marijuana.
Inside this edition we also present an interesting project under development in Colombia, the first thermal district of the department of Cesar of intramural type, a construction that will house the Centro Cultura de la Música Vallenata.
In addition, we have other important articles that develop topics such as heat recovery in VRF systems, secondary refrigerants, the level of redundancy, cooling towers, competitiveness for HVAC / R contractors, how to sell in a contractor company, and the professional of the month, which in this case was Sergio Flores, director of MESAN USA, founder and president of the company PrimeLines.
We thank the collaborators of this edition, people committed to the generation of valuable content such as Jimy Danelli, Ernesto Sanguinetti Remosgo, Mauricio Romero, Guitze Messina, Rolando Torrado and Alfredo Sotolongo.
Download our latest edition by clicking here.