United States. As many communities are establishing alternative care sites (ACS) in response to COVID-19 spikes, the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force announced the availability of the HVAC Guidance for Alternative Care Sites, which was developed by the ASHRAE Alternative Care Sites Task Force.
The task force was convened at the request of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force to provide engineering recommendations, solutions, and guidance for addressing HVAC systems for ACS.
Member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force healthcare team, David Eldridge, PE, BEAP, BEMP, HBDP, GGA, LEED AP; and Alexander Zhivov, Ph.D., FASHRAE, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Center for Construction Engineers Research and Development—chaired ASHRAE's Working Group on Alternative Care Sites.
"Our work over several months has resulted in guidance that will be useful in current and future efforts to address the demand for additional hospital beds to combat COVID-19," Eldridge said. "This has been a collaborative initiative from the beginning and we want to thank the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as well as the military and private engineering experts who came together to develop this timely resource."
"This guidance was developed in response to the growing need to implement flexible space for patient care in places where permanent hospital beds are insufficient for the number of COVID-19 positive patients in need of care," Zhivov said. "The guide offers recommendations for applying the standards that are used for permanent installations at temporary sites in less than ideal conditions or with constraints of time, budget and technical feasibility."
The ACS HVAC guide applies primarily to host sites with large open spaces, such as convention centers and other large spaces. It is also applicable to the conversion of smaller facilities with open areas such as school gymnasiums.
Specific recommendations include guidance for design, airflow, filtration, space conditions, and methodology requirements to identify which mechanical system approaches can be followed knowing that most ACS must prioritize certain features due to limited time, budget, and site features.
To view the Complete HVAC Guide for Alternative Care Centers click here.