Latin America. The Venezuelan company Z&Z Ingenieros, will hold during the month of May a series of training webinars, which seek to contribute to the training of technicians and professionals in the sector.
May 2: Webinar Use of the Z&Z Refrigeration APP: It is designed to explain the use of the company's App, which is totally free and can be downloaded from the Play Store, available for Android, It has 6 useful and easy to understand calculation modules, both for refrigeration and air conditioning. One more tool that every cold technician must have.
May 7: Webinar Introduction to Electronics: aimed at technicians who are starting in the world of refrigeration and air conditioning, The content is aimed at identifying the components of a card and knowing how to perform the respective measurement of its elements.
May 12: Webinar Selection of Compressors: it is aimed at the correct selection of compressors for both refrigeration and air conditioning, through the use of catalogs.
You can register for these webinars for free on the website: