Latin America. With an update on the forecast of the global market in times of COVID-19, ACR LATINOAMÉRICA presents its second edition of the Top 100 Latin American Installer Contractors Report, which is now available for sale (PDF version), which analyzes the current state of the Latin American HVAC/R market, as well as the macroeconomic circumstances of the region that would impact this industry. This time included new companies, new characters and different surveys that reveal a more real panorama of our sector.
This report is the result of the 2019 edition of the Top 100 Latin American Installer Contractors, which covers 30 companies from Mexico, 15 from Central America, 35 from the Andean Region, and 20 more from the Southern Cone.
New in this edition, interviews are included with expert consultants in the HVAC/R industry, such as Darío Ibargüengoitia from Ibalca (Mexico), Camilo Botero from CGB Ingeniería (Colombia) and Carlos Grinberg from Estudio Grinberg (Argentina), who expressed their perceptions about the market and the immediate challenges faced by installation contractors, such as the need for professionalization and formal training, as well as clearer and more precise regulations to standardize the best installation and maintenance practices in air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
Regarding the panorama of the industry in Latin America, Ernesto Porras, consultant and president of ASHRAE Colombia, comments that this is a very competitive industry, in which "the new companies that are emerging in some cases due to their small size can be more agile in some processes", leading to a very close competition with the largest and most experienced companies, "which forces them to try harder to innovate in the delivery of their services."
The report also includes interviews and success stories of the winners of each of the Latin American subregions. In Mexico the first place went to RCR Refrigeration, in Central America it was Instalfrío de Panamá, in the Andean Region it was Johnson Controls Colombia, and in the Southern Cone the winner was Refricentro de Chile.
In the document there are also comments by several of the integrators who were part of the Top 100, on trends and challenges, including professionalization and constant technological updating.
Target audience:
• Entrepreneurs in the HVAC/R industry.
• Manufacturers and distributors of HVAC/R equipment.
• Market analysts and researchers.
• Government and financial institutions.
• Investors.
• End users of HVAC/R equipment.
The report also includes key industry data, such as technologies considered by integrators as Traditional, Obsolete, Innovative and Future Trends, as well as import figures made by companies in each country, the most used equipment brands in the region, the segments with the highest investment in HVAC / R, even sales figures during 2018 of several of the companies are included in this report, along with detailed contact details of the companies in the ranking.
The Special Report Top 100 Contractors Installers 2019-2020 can be purchased and downloaded in PDF version in Spanish and English.
For the PDF version in Spanish, click here.
For the PDF version in English, click here.