Brazil. Organized by the National Department of Design and Consulting Companies - DNPC de Abrava - Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating, the National Meeting of Designers and Consultants (ENPC), will take place on September 10 and 11 in São Paulo, in parallel to Febrava, and will have as its central theme "The challenge of using unconventional technologies: from project to maintenance".
Among the topics covered are absorption systems, cogeneration, geothermal, insufflation of radiant floors, floor and ceiling, cold beams, decoupling of sensitive and latent heat, accumulation of water and ice, desiccant liquids, desiccant wheels, architectural solutions, enthalpic wheels and cooling with solar energy.
The event will bring together several national and international speakers and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., within the Febrava fair. The companies Armacell, Aerem, Belimo Brasil, Ecoquest, Eletrofrio, Evapco, Fiocruz, IMI Hydronic, LG Eletronics, Lubrizol, Midea Carrier, Sictell, Trane, Trox and Weger are already confirmed.
According to the organizers, this edition will be one of the largest and is an opportunity to promote during the two days of the event, unconventional technologies, both in projects and maintenance of systems and their applications, as well as in the exchange of experiences and knowledge of the professionals present at the meeting.
The National Meeting of Design Companies and Consultants is aimed at heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration professionals, directly or indirectly involved with the sector, in addition to customer sectors, such as shopping centers, banks, hotels, hospitals, laboratories, supermarkets, among others.
For registration you can click here.