International. Greenheck launched a new range of GreenJet axial transfer fans that provide ventilation for ductless underground parking applications.
In a ductless system, the garage still uses a main supply and exhaust duct, but installing an axial transfer fan eliminates the need for ducts in parking areas. This approach maintains safe conditions by providing dilution of fresh air within the space. The company explained that installation costs are reduced by eliminating the need for ductwork in the garage area, and the low-profile design helps reduce garage construction costs by reducing floor-to-floor heights.
GreenJet's GJX is a robust direct-drive axial fan that requires minimal maintenance. It uses an efficient aerodynamic propeller designed to move large volumes of air through a smaller diameter fan.
GreenJet fans are available with input and output attenuation to keep sound levels low. The GJX model is licensed by AMCA for air performance and UL/cUL Listing for electric (UL/cUL-705) and power fans for smoke control.