Chile. With the title "Next challenges of Photovoltaics, Disruptive capacity of self-consumption" UNEF in collaboration with ACESOL, Chilean Association of Solar Energy, organizes a Technical Conference within the framework of the next edition of Genera Latinoamérica.
The Show co-organized by IFEMA and FISA at Espacio Riesco in Santiago de Chile, from October 4 to 6, 2017, will be held this year in coincidence with Matelec Latin America, International Exhibition of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronics Industry, and for the first time, also, with the largest construction fair in Chile and one of the most important in Latin America: Edifica / Expohormigón.
This activity, which is part of the internationalization plan of UNEF for companies related to the photovoltaic sector, and which will take place throughout Wednesday, October 4, will have the participation of experts from TASK1, the International Energy Agency; representatives of the Ibero-American Forum, and the guild of the renewable sector in Chile, the Chilean Association of Renewable Energies – ACERA.
After the opening ceremony, which will be attended by different representatives of the sector in Chile, ACESOL and UNEF, a first session will start focused on International Experiences in the search for 100% renewable", in which Trends in the Global Market will be discussed" "Self-consumption and Integration into the Network"; and "World Vision of Self-Consumption".
A second block will address the "Opportunities and regulations for grid connection", through the presentations on "Regulatory framework associated with generation"; "Structures for soil and floating: new technologies and optimization and guarantee"; "Quality in PV systems", as well as the presentation of a "Promotion Experience in Chile".
The third session will focus on the "Potential of self-consumption in Chile. Spanish Experience", and it will deal with different programs such as "Techo" and "Proyecta Solar"; and the "Perspective of Self-Consumption in Chile" will be discussed; of "Self-consumption, the new photovoltaic market", and of "Investors in self-consumption systems". In addition, a "Technical and Economic Study of a Self-Consumption Facility" will be presented.
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