Colombia. The Pascual Bravo University Institution, of Medellín, will carry out from next June 20 the Basic Course of Air Conditioning, which is aimed at high school graduates, technical assistants, recently graduated technologists, engineering students from all areas and professionals who work in the industry and who wish to have knowledge b Air conditioning systems to generate comfort in your spaces or those of your customers.
Course participants will be able to learn about the basic principles that govern air conditioning, the different air conditioning equipment and systems and their basic application. Establish procedures for the selection and installation of air conditioning systems, and establish basic procedures for installation and maintenance of direct expansion air conditioning systems.
The course content is as follows:
- Basic concepts of thermodynamics and cooling
- Components of an air conditioning system
- Types of air conditioning equipment
- Types of air conditioning systems
- Procedures for designing, selecting, installing and starting air conditioning systems
- Practice #1. Equipment selection exercises, application to practical cases
- Practice #2. Maintenance of air conditioning systems
For more information about the course and to register you can enter the following link: