Brazil. The Belo Horizonte Technology Park (BH-TEC) inaugurated at the beginning of this month the photovoltaic plant installed on the roof of its institutional building. The energy generated from sunlight will supply at least 30% of the building's energy consumption. The work was possible with funds from FINEP (Financier of Studies and Projects), obtained in 2013.
In the case of BH-TEC, the solar energy generated will be directly linked to the system of Cemig (Brazil's electric power sector group), eliminating the need to be stored in batteries. In this scheme, the energy power used is sent to the Cemig grid, and transformed into a discount on spending in the month, which reduces the value of the electricity bill.
Alsol Energía Renovable is responsible for the work and will have, and according to them, the plant has the potential to generate 146,723 kWh of electricity per year, which would become an economy of R$70,427.04 (about US$22,000) taking into account the current rates of electric power service.
"Taking into account the average tariff of the electricity supply in Brazil in 2016 and the CO2 emission factor of the National Interconnected System of the same year, for each realeconomized the emission of approximately 1 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere is avoided."