Chile. The distribution company Anwo, together with the installation company Clima Aire, carried out an air conditioning project in the Centro Costanera Building, located in the city of Concepción.
This project was rated as one of the most emblematic of the eighth region, due to its size. The Centro Costanera Building is a complex of two office buildings and a hotel. This project has more than 45,000 m2 built of which 18,000 m2 will be for the exclusive use of offices.
The work, which was executed between 2012 and 2015, has one of the most important air conditioning systems installed in the country with multipurpose chiller technology, since it has seven Rhoss air-cooled equipment that delivers a power of 2080 Kw thermal and more than 700 fan coil, to air condition the total number of offices in the two buildings, in conjunction with all the rooms of the hotel.
Meanwhile, another of the projects installed by Clima Aire was the Neocentro Building, it is a building of offices and free floors, located steps from the conception center. In this project the company installed an air conditioning system using VRV Anwo. This equipment is used for cold and heat air conditioning simultaneously.
The equipment consisted of the following: Variable Refrigerant Volume System with Heat Recovery:
- Anwo GMV
- 1,312 kw
- 33 Outdoor units
- 258 Duct-type indoor units
Hablamos de la empresa THERMOKOLD Villahermosa.
La empresa se dedica a la venta de aires acondicionados ''MINISPLIT'' de las siguientes marcas:
°White Westinhouse
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Buenos, soy el jefe de climatización del Hospital de Angol y quisiera saber se les interesa realizar una visita de inspección de nuestros equipos de climatización, shiller y fan cooil, con el fin de que puedan participar en una futura licitación por dos años en mantenimiento, preventivo, correctivo y posibles mejoras en el hospital.
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