International. The VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congress of Cold Sciences and Techniques, which will be held from May 3 to 6 in the city of Coimbra, Portugal, announced that it received more than 130 articles from authors from different countries on refrigeration, processing and preservation of food, air conditioning and other related fields.
Since the first edition of the CYTEF in Cartagena (2002), editions have been held in Vigo (2003), Barcelona (2005), Porto (2007), Castellón (2009), Madrid (2012) and Tarragona (2014). In this period, the CYTEF has become a reference forum for researchers and professionals, in particular for the areas of Cold Sciences and Techniques, food processing and preservation, and air conditioning.
The CYTEF2016 is organized by ADAI - Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (University of Coimbra) and by SECYTEF - Spanish Society of Cold Sciences and Techniques. CYTEF2016 is sponsored by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), an intergovernmental organization that promotes scientific and technical knowledge in all areas of refrigeration. The articles presented at CYTEF2016 will be published in the FRIDOC database of the IIR.
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