International. The company Procter & Gamble (P&G) has forecast for the year 2020 the reduction by 30% of its absolute emissions of greenhouse gases, a goal that it has developed with the help of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
This new goal builds on the best available scientific advances and represents an important step forward in the company's ongoing efforts to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and their effects on climate change.
The company also confirmed its entry into the Climate Savers program, which aims to collaborate and accelerate actions to address climate change.
"Climate change is a global problem and we believe that everyone, businesses, governments and individuals, has a role to play. We felt it was important to present an ambitious, science-based target to help do our part and address the challenges posed by climate change," said Len Sauers, vice president, head of Global Sustainability at P&G.
The multinational company will achieve its goal by focusing on energy conservation and increasing the implementation of renewable energies. "Energy conservation and the growth of renewables will not only drive emissions reductions, they will also lower costs and help create innovative solutions for the benefit of both brands and consumers," said Martin Riant, president of the P&G group and executive sponsor of Global Sustainability.