United States. The 12th book in ashrae's Datacom Series "Server Efficiency – Metrics for Servers and Storage" is available now.
Since its inception in 2003, the ASHRAE TC 9.9 Technical Committee has focused on publishing valuable content that addresses the rapid change in the world of mission-critical facilities, data centers, technology spaces and electronic equipment (from electronic equipment to large data center campuses).
"The industry has always been interested in server performance and efficiency metrics, but it's a complicated topic," said Don Beaty, director of the ASHRAE TC 9.9 Publications committee. "This book serves as a consolidation point for most existing measurements on energy-efficient storage servers and subsystems."
Each chapter is dedicated to a particular metric or group of industry metrics. It describes the metric, providing insights into your target market and includes relevant information to learn more about the metric. Also, each section concludes with examples of the data that is generated from a market comparison or tool, as well as an explanation of how to interpret the data.
For a copy of the book visit www.ashrae.org/bookstore.