United States. According to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Americans used more renewable, fossil and nuclear energy in 2013.
Each year, the lab releases energy flowcharts illustrating the nation's energy consumption and use. Overall, Americans used 2.3 trillion more thermal units in 2013 than the year before.
The lab has also released a graph illustrating the nation's energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. These emissions rose to 5.39 billion metric tons, the first annual increase since 2010.
Wind power has continued to grow strongly, increasing by 18% from 1.36 trillion BTUs, or quads, in 2012 to 1.6 quads in 2013. New wind farms continue to align with the largest and most efficient turbines. Most new wind turbines can generate 2-2.5 MW of power.
Most of the energy consumption in 2013 was used for electricity generation (38.2 quads), followed by the transport, industrial, residential and commercial sectors. The use of residential energy, commercial transport and in the industrial sectors increased slightly.