Brazil. Serraff, a manufacturer of finned heat exchangers and forced-air evaporators, confirmed that during the RefriAméricas Congress to be held from June 4 to 6 in Medellín, Colombia, it will present its latest launches.
The company will unveil the Visa Line, composed of the Visa Classic, Visa Duo and Visa Fit models, and which was developed with the latest technology, functional architecture and long application, to meet the needs of manufacturers of professional kitchens, refrigerated balconies, refrigerators, showcases and sliding doors.
The equipment has the capacity to change ranging from 260 W to 2600 W and are composed of versions to cool or freeze.
"In our second participation in Refriaméricas 2014, we plan to present to the visiting public our products that have their differentials, such as their development in an internationally approved software, in which they are produced according to our strict quality standards, in addition to the concept of project in modules, which guarantees the thermomechanical characteristics of the product," said Matheus Braun, representative of the company.