International. LonMark International announced the winners of its Best of the Year awards, which recognize the best of the year in the control network industry, in terms of products, projects, companies and individuals, based on the SO/IEC 14908 series of standards.
For Latin America, Víctor Cañete, from Aditel Sistemas, was named Visionary of the Year. Cañete has belonged for many years to LonMark, he is also the founder of the subsidiary in Spanish; He has a volunteer role as LonMark's ambassador for Southern Europe and Latin America with a focus on education and LCP & LM-CSI programs.
In another of the highlights is the company Distech Controls, which won the Certified Device of the Year award with its RCL-PFC controls for HVAC systems, which use LonWorks 2.0 technology.
For its part, Loytec electronics won the Product of the Year in Infrastructure, with the LGATE-950, which increases the power of control networks in interconnection protocols simultaneously. It can be interconnected in LonWorks networks for OPC, Modbus, KNX, ZigBee, or BACnet.