Argentina. The Ministry of Industry established new restrictions on imports of air conditioning equipment from the East, especially China, by renewing anti-dumping duties to avoid a further decline in that nation's industry.
According to the Association of Argentine Electronic Terminal Factories (Afarte), so far this year more than 1 million of these equipment have been sold, that is, 250 thousand more than those sold in the 2009-2010 season. With the measure, what the government seeks is to facilitate the development of local investments and maintain employment.
The ministry established the following prices for the entry of new equipment: US$307 for splits less than or equal to 2,500 refrigerators, and US$332.42 for those over 2,500. For compact equipment less than or equal to 2,500 refrigerators the value will be US $ 253.73 and for those over 2,500 the figure increases to US $ 277.4.
With respect to the evaporated unit of less than 2,500 refrigerators, its value will be US $ 110.49 and for those over 2,500 US $ 117.30 must be paid.